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How to Become an Expert in ERCP

  • Know the Theory
  • Watch Expert
  • Watch Videos (EndoCollab)
  • Tutor and Apprentice
  • ERCP Models (Structured Training Programs)

Watch the Expert

Rendezvous PTCD-ERCP triple-wire-technique followed by 5 plastic stents of different diameters

Watch Videos, Visit Congresses, Become a Member of a Community or Endoscopic Society

ERCP Models

  • There are lots of easy, reproducible ERCP models
  • Wet models (live, pig stomachs)
  • Dry models (mannequin, static, plastic box, virtual)
  • Enhance the manual-cognitive aspects

In Sum:

  • How to Achieve Competence?
  • Know the theory
  • Watch expert
  • Watch videos (EndoCollab)
  • Tutor and apprentice
  • ERCP models (structured training programs)

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