Is a Fully Covered Self-Expanding Metal Stent an Option for Recalcitrant Duodenal Stenosis?
I have only used fully covered self-expanding metal stents for palliative situations such as malignant gastric outlet obstruction or duodenal perforation (by instruments or due to lymphoma). There are case reports of using fc-SEMS for benign conditions. Your case is very challenging as the patient likely has recalcitrant duodenal obstruction due to medications (NSAIDS). I […]
Do You Use CO2 and Water Immersion in Diagnostic Colonoscopies on a Daily Basis?
Yes. And Yes.
Know Your Liver Segments
It’s very important that you know your liver segments. This chart shows you a nice ways to memorize. It’s important that we correlate to where the segments are to the cholangiogram. As we can see here, the left liver lobes 2, 3, and 4 are drained by the left hepatic. And the right hepatic consists […]
How to Become an Expert in ERCP
Watch the Expert Rendezvous PTCD-ERCP triple-wire-technique followed by 5 plastic stents of different diameters Watch Videos, Visit Congresses, Become a Member of a Community or Endoscopic Society ERCP Models In Sum:
Long Term POEM Success
What do you think of the Long Term POEM success? There is little long-term data. So far, we know that a significant amount of patients develop severe reflux esophagitis and stricturing esophageal disease. I still think that POEM is a good alternative for patients who are poor surgical candidates, but am still not 100% convinced […]
Variable Stiffness Colonoscopes
What is the optimal way to use variable stiffness colonoscopes in difficult colonoscopies? Have you had any adverse events? Variable stiffness is a wonderful addition to colonoscopes, especially pediatric colonoscopes, which I use for most colonoscopies in the hospital where I have these scopes. At my other hospital we have a different scope brand (Fujifilm), […]
Colonoscopy Prep | How to Improve Boston Preparation Scales
Can I Have Your Experience With Colonoscopy Prep? I Have Noticed That Most of the Patients We Receive Don’t Have a Good Boston Score? We had a similar experience as you and we have changed two essential aspects of colon prep. First, we created an instruction sheet for the patient and trained our nurses and […]